How many times have you been desperate and wanted to get rid of your computer because it starts to crash, doesn’t let you use any program or is extremely slow? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Unfortunately, these situations occur quite frequently, mainly due to our often naive behavior on the Internet.
Our behavior on the network can end up taking its toll on us in the form of a virus or computer attack that prevents us from using some functions, deletes information or stored files or even violates our privacy.
There is no magic formula that allows us to eliminate the risk of this happening, but we can follow some recommendations with which the chances of “infection ” of our device can be considerably reduced.
As we did in the case of mobile , today we give you 10 essential security tips to keep your computer protected. Although these suggestions are indicated for devices that use Windows, the most used operating system and also the most exposed to threats, they can be extrapolated to other systems such as Linux or macOS.
Have an antivirus and keep it updated
This is probably the most important recommendation. It is essential to have a good antivirus and antipysware to help you protect your device against threats such as Trojans, spyware…
Although this tool is not a 100% safe shield against the most dangerous viruses, it is most effective with low or medium level attacks, which, on the other hand, are the most widespread. Remember that for it to work properly, like the rest of the applications or programs that you have installed on your computer, the antivirus must be updated periodically .
Update the software regularly
This is another piece of advice that should be followed to the letter. Although many times we are reluctant to update our software due to laziness or even ignorance, we must understand that outdating it implies greater vulnerability , since normally the latest versions provide greater protection and the solution of bugs from previous versions.
For this reason, it is a great idea to have applications that check if there are available updates to our software and recommend their download.
Use strong passwords and change them regularly
Although many times we are desperate that passwords must contain uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols and must have at least 8 characters, these requirements have an explanation. The more difficult the password, the more secure it is. In this sense, it is important that we use secure passwords in those applications that require it, especially those that contain confidential personal information .
In addition, it is recommended not to use the same password in all our accounts , since any identity theft in one of them could mean unlimited access to all the others.
Beware of attachments and strange links in emails
Be wary of strange or unknown emails , even more so if they contain links or attachments , is another of the essential tips. Moreover, if an email seems suspicious to us, even if it comes from someone we know, it is always advisable to make sure that it is safe by consulting directly with the person who sent it to us.
In most operating systems there are applications to analyze our email and rule out possible threats.
Disconnect the Internet when not necessary
Most infections occur when the device is connected to the network, since the malware performs its actions by communicating with servers or sending information using open ports on its connection. Therefore, disconnecting the Wi-Fi connection when you are using the computer for other purposes and also before turning it off is recommended.
Avoid performing private operations on public and open networks
It seems like obvious advice, but the reality is that on occasion we have been forced to use a public network to carry out operations that put confidential information and data at risk , as is the case with bank transactions. On these occasions, it is advisable to share the connection but not the data. If due to an urgency, you find yourself in the need to compromise your personal information and there is the possibility of using more secure servers, do it.
Check the security of the Wi-Fi network used
This recommendation is closely linked to the previous one and, in the same way, that we should try to avoid public networks when we carry out certain actions, we should also keep in mind to review the security of our usual network at home. In this sense, although wireless or wireless networks are becoming more and more popular, in terms of security, wired networks are preferable.
Log out when done
Although it is true that it is much more comfortable to keep our sessions open in most applications, since this way we do not have to re-enter our username and password every time we want to enter, this is not a very good idea. We must get used to logging out, even more so on shared computers, especially in applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail… It would not be the first time that someone has seen their identity stolen or their personal data were stolen for leaving a session open.
Make backup copies
Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if you lost all the content on your computer? Sometimes, due to the action of a virus, malicious users, or simply due to failures in the operating system, we can lose photos, files, confidential information. Therefore, making backup copies is a great idea and will save us on more than one occasion. Having an external hard drive with a backup or uploading what we consider essential to the cloud is a good preventive measure.
Teach those who share a computer with us and create different users
Taking care of the security of our devices is an attitude that we must instill in those who share it with us. It is always positive to explain basic security concepts and behaviors to these people, since the more informed they are, the less they will be exposed to the network. In this sense, it is good practice to create different users on the same computer and for each person to use their own.
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